How To repair a PC

It's bound to happen sooner or later: you turn on the old computer, and something that was working fine before is no longer working at all, or is having weird problems.Whether it's your modem, your sound card, a scanner, or some other device in or connec
To find out exactly how you should go about troubleshooting your computer, choose which one of the following scenarios describes your situation:

1) I just installed this device. This is the first time I've ever had this kind of device in my computer.
2) I just installed this device to replace an old device of the same kind.
3) I haven't changed anything. This device just stopped working. Regardless of which situation describes you, ask yourself a few key questions:

-Did I install the driver for this device?

Almost all new hardware will require you to install a "device driver". A device driver is a program that tells Windows how to control, or "drive" the device.

-After installing the device, did I check for conflicts in the Device Manager?
Just because Windows appeared to install the device just fine, doesn't necessarily mean that it's not conflicting (that is, getting in the way of) another device in your computer.

If you have not installed the driver, do that first. Your hardware Should have come with a How-To guide (sometimes called Getting Started) that will explain how to install the driver. If it did not, or if you no longer have the manual, see 'Scenario [3]' for instructions on how to reinstall the driver.

If you have installed the driver, but don't know how to check for conflicts, see the section further down entitled "Resolving Device Conflicts."

Scenario 1:

I just installed this device. This is the first time I've ever had this kind of device in my computer.

After having installed the driver and checked for conflicts with other devices, if your device still is not working properly, there are two things you can do:
1) Go to the manufacturer's website (which is usually shown in the device's documentation), and download the latest driver for the device. You will usually find driver updates in a section of the website called "Support" if there is not a specific section on the main page for downloading new drivers.

2) After having installed that latest driver, if the device still does not work, try installing the device in a friend's computer. If it does not work in another computer, either, you might have gotten a bad device. This does happen. We occasionally receive equipment here that was tested before it left from the vendor, but may have been damaged during shipping. Hopefully you kept the receipt and can return the item.

Scenario 2:

I installed this device to replace an old device of the same kind.

After having installed the driver and checked for conflicts with other devices, if your device still is not working properly, ask yourself the following two questions:

Did I remove/disable the old device before I installed the new one?
When installing a new modem, for example, it is always a good idea to remove the old one, especially you are working with an old computer, because the old modem may not be Plug-N-Play, and so that could cause trouble.

Did I remove the old device driver before installing the new one?
Even if you took the old device out of the computer, or unplugged it from the computer, you may still need to remove the drive for the old device to avoid hidden conflicts. Do the following:
- Right-click on 'My Computer' on your desktop and choose 'Properties'.
- A window will appear that says 'System Properties.' Click on the tab at the top of the window that says 'Device Manager.'
- Double-click on the type of device that is giving you problems (i.e., if you installed a new modem, double-click on the 'Modem' icon, if it's a sound card, double-click on the 'Sound, video and game controllers' icon.)
- Single-click on the driver for the OLD device, and then click the button that says 'Remove'.
- Restart your computer.

If that does not solve your problem, follow the two steps outlined under 'Scenario [1]' above, downloading and installing the latest driver from the manufacturer and trying the device in another computer.

Scenario 3:

I haven't changed anything: the device just stopped working. After having installed the driver and checked for conflicts with other devices, if your device still is not working properly, you will want to remove the driver (see 'Scenario [2]' above for detailed instructions on how to remove the driver), and then reinstall the driver from off of the diskette or CD that came with the device.

If, after rebooting the computer, Windows "finds" your new hardware and installs the driver for it (which you don't want it to do in case there is something wrong with the driver), do the following:
If your device came with a CD-ROM, put the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive and wait for a few seconds to see if a menu will pop-up. A menu should pop up because Windows has what is called an 'Autorun' feature that will automatically run the program on the CD (or play a music CD) once you put it in the drive. When the menu appears, see if there is an option to install the driver. If you cannot find one, or if the device came with a floppy diskette, do the following:

- Right-click on 'My Computer' on your desktop and choose 'Properties'.
- A window will appear that says 'System Properties.' Click on the tab at the top of the window that says 'Device Manager.'
- Double-click on the type of device that is giving you problems (i.e., if you installed a new modem, double-click on the 'Modem' icon, if it's a sound card, double-click on the 'Sound, video and game controllers' icon.) - Single-click on the driver for the OLD device, and then click the button that says 'Properties'.
- A window will appear that has the name of the device on it.Click on the 'Driver' tab at the top of the window, and then click on the 'Update Driver' button.
- The 'Update Device Driver' wizard will appear. Click 'Next'.
- Make sure 'Search for a better driver' is selected, and then click 'Next' again.
- If your device came with a floppy diskette, click the box next to 'Floppy Disk drives' so that there is a check-mark in it. If your device came on a CD-ROM, click the box next to 'CD-ROM drives' so that there is a check-mark in it. If it is located somewhere else, click the box next to 'Specify a Location' and type in the path to the driver.
- Be sure that you have the diskette or CD-ROM in the drive before clicking 'Next' again.
- If there is more than one driver on the diskette or CD-ROM, Windows will ask you to choose which one you want to install. Select the one that you need (it will usually match the name on the box for the device) and then click 'Next'. If you are not given a list, but Windows tells you that it is ready to install the device, then click 'Next'.
- Windows will now install your device. You will probably have to restart the computer after it is done.

Check now reinstalled device for conflicts.

Source :

How to install a Windows Driver properly and avoid possible problems?

Drivers, once found need to be installed. Updating the drivers is a straightforward process, once you’ve been shown how to do it. Here we’re going to look at installing drivers on Windows XP, though despite the differences, all the Windows versions have some common features so you should have no trouble figuring it out if you don’t run XP. Before we start there is one key thing we need check for the driver installation to go smoothly. Have you got the right driver? Don’t be tempted to use the NT driver for an XP computer, nor is it worth using a driver that is designed for a model that is ‘close but not quite the same’ as your piece of hardware. If it’s an external piece of hardware the model number etc are usually on there somewhere, either on top or maybe under the unit (where you’ll often find the serial number), so check them. Also think about if you really need to change over your driver, particularly if you’re considering something with a BETA in the title. Take this to mean unstable (beta means ‘in testing’ or unstable in computer jargon, sometimes the bugs aren’t ironed out). I personally wouldn’t consider a beta version driver if the driver I’m already using is doing the job. Okay, let’s assume that you’ve found the driver on the internet. The first thing you need to do is download it. As with all downloads you need to be able to find it again once you’ve downloaded it. It might be worth saving it to the desktop or even to a new folder you made called ‘drivers’. Whatever works for you. The other option is that you have the driver on a floppy or CD Rom that came with the device – this is even easier: usually you just put it in the drive and follow the instructions. Drivers these days come in two distinct types. The easiest for the general user are those drivers that come as part of an executable file (one that ends with .exe). It’s a good idea to scan the file with your virus scanner before doing anything, particularly if you’ve downloaded it. Once you’ve done that, just double click on the file name. It should do the rest – as always read any questions that it asks you. When it stops doing things, it’s done. Often it will ask you to restart Windows for the change to take effect. The other type isn’t self-running like this and you’ll need to install them manually. This isn’t that hard however, and we’ll go through it step by step. First you need to find the ‘Device Manager’. If you don’t know where this is then click on ‘Start’ (bottom left hand corner of the XP screen), then click ‘Control Panel’, click ‘Performance and Maintenance’ and then click on ‘System’. You’ll get a new window that has multiple tabs. Click on the tab called ‘Hardware’ and you’ll see the device manager – click on the name to bring it up. This method is similar in all windows set ups, and all work from a command line instead – to do this go to ‘Start’, choose ‘Run’ and type devmgmt.msc in the box. This will also bring up the device manager. From here it’s pretty much following instructions. The device manager lists all the devices you have and you can double click on them to bring up a further window that lists the device properties. Click the tab for driver and you get all the details you need. You’re looking at ‘Update Driver’, and normally you want to say no to the suggestion that Windows initiates a search via the Microsoft website because you already have the disc or file. Select no thanks, and click next. If you have the disc you choose it on the next screen, if you are looking for the file you’ve downloaded choose the option to select from a list (don’t be put off by the word ‘advanced’). The next screen again offers to search for you, again you decline the offer. Having chosen ‘don’t search’ you can use the button on the right below the list (called ‘have disc’). This opens a familiar dialogue just like all the windows file open boxes. Find the driver files where you stored them - you’re looking for the file that ends .inf. Double click on it and wait for the installation to finish -don’t interrupt the installation. You’ll probably have noticed that in the device manager window there was an option to return to the previous driver. This is what you need to use if updating the driver seems to have made things worse. And that’s it, you’ve installed the new driver.

IBM Driver

This site maintains the list of IBM drivers available for free Download. Just browse our organized database and find a driver that fits your needs. We are adding new drivers daily, so let us know if we don't have a driver you need.
Here is the list of IBM driver we have for you. To download drivers you should find the Operation System, the exact device model and click on the Download button. If you can not find the exact driver for your IBM please send us the driver request and we will try to find it for you.